Thursday, April 27, 2006


It's TV-Turnoff Week (April 24-30th)

TVTurnoff home page

The logo looks nice, but their site is pretty ugly !!
Turn off the TV and get into God's Word.

Here are some interesting facts:

Television cuts into family time, harms our
children’s ability to read and succeed in school, and contributes
to unhealthy lifestyles and obesity. Here are just a few of the facts:

  • On average, children in the US will spend more time in front of
    the television (1,023 hours) than in school this year (900 hours).
  • Forty percent of Americans frequently or always watch television during dinner.
  • As US Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher said at the Kick Off of
    TV-Turnoff Week 2001, “We are raising the most overweight
    generation of youngsters in American history…This week is about
    saving lives.”

Sunday, April 23, 2006

From Reformation 21 » Two Points on the Arts: "First, even if it is the case that the Bible doesn't tell us which music, for example, is better than other music (and in this sense Carl is right to say that this is a non-biblical judgment), I believe that the stuff of creation itself -- the inherent capabilities of sound, and the human ability to create sound and listen to sound -- does discriminate between the good, the bad, and the ugly. To put it another way, even if special revelation cannot resolve matters of artistic taste (it does give us some principles, though), general revelation does address these issues. So the question of artistic taste retains its spiritual significance; it is not a matter of neutrality.

Second, when it comes to thinking about Christians and the arts -- as well as non-Christians and the arts -- it is always helpful to remember that God has not given all his gifts to Christians. This is one aspect of common grace, and it reminds us to expect to find the good, the true, and the beautiful beyond the boundaries of the church."